Monday, March 18, 2024
Look some of you just enjoy playing with friends. But secretly I know you would enjoy the game a lot more if you could win at least 50 % of the games you play right? And others of you want to get better so you can play in tournaments and increase your DUPR rating. I mean you want to see how far you can progress right? But what’s holding you back?
After years of coaching pickleball students here is what they tell me.
I am not sure what to do to get better. I get tons of advice from friends, other players and youtube videos but I don’t seem to be able to translate it into better play.
Guess What This is not your fault. You are trying to emulate a training model that doesn’t work. Once you learn how to learn you will get better much faster, I promise you.
What do I mean? For most people the model for education that we have seen a million times is the school system model. We have all sat through a million lectures and taken quizzes and read books and taken tests as part of our schooling. But spoiler alert That is exactly the wrong way to learn. You do not learn most efficiently by studying at a desk.
How do I know? Because I was trained in instructional technology and I was responsible as a college dean for teaching my teachers how to teach. But I also researched and studied brain based learning science, and skill development, and learned that modern brain science proves that the absolute worst way to learn is to have people sit at a desk and talk at them. The brain was designed to learn in motion. The science of neuroplasticity proves to us that neurons that repeatedly fire together tend to wire together. So that muscle memory has been proven to be a physical thing that happens when repeated motions become ingrained habits. Eventually you can execute those motions without conscious thought because the system is trained and prewired to execute the neuronal sequences to make the movement happen.
The Number One reason that most of you fail to improve your physical shot making abilities is because everytime you execute the shot incorrectly you are reinforcing a bad habit that strengthens the wrong way to hit the shot and makes it harder to learn the right way.
If you have been playing for a few years without learning the right way to execute shots you are actually making it more and more difficult to unlearn the bad habits and develop the correct muscle memory.
I don’t want to get all technical on this stuff just yet but here is the bottom line.
The way you have been taught to learn is wrong. There is a better way. I understand the best way for you to learn and I have built a 3 dimensional Success Path program that uses modern learning technology to make learning faster and more efficient.
Everyone who follows this path and does the work will improve whether you are a brand new beginners or a rising 4.0
The second reason many of you have struggled to improve is because you do not practice enough. Pickleball is the only sport I know where everyone wants to play but hardly anyone wants to practice. And you know the Dirty Little secret?
The players who practice will only improve if they practice all three Dimensions of the game
Dimension 1:The physical Fitness and Shot Making skills required play well
Dimension 2:The tactical skills to hit the right shot at the right time/
And Dimension three:The mental toughness skills to compete at your best when you need it the most.
Is this where you are right now?
Frustrated: Because you keep popping the ball up
Discouraged: You can't win games
Demotivated: Because your DUPR Rating is stuck in neutral
Overwhelmed: With advice from players and spouse
Stressed: Watching 100's of YouTube Video but floundering
Losing Confidence: Because you are just not improving
ARE YOU: Watching others progress while feeling left behind, leading to feelings of envy or resentment.
Feeling disillusioned with the learning process and losing passion for the game.
Frequently losing matches that you should win.
Are you Confused about what you need to do to get better?
This is where the Pickleball Simplified 3d Success path program will take you
Empowered: You will know to do and when to do it
Accomplished: Achieve the goals you set for yourself
Motivated: To become better than you thought possible
Proud: Of how well you can play the game
Energized: By the level of your play improvement
Confident: That you will compete every time you play
You will: Win more games and matches.
Experience a sense of accomplishment.
Inspire others and become a role model.
Implement effective strategies with confidence.
Play under control and have more fun as you become more resilient.
Feel fulfilled and satisfied with your growth as a player.
Are you tired of feeling stuck in your pickleball journey?
Do you find yourself struggling to improve your skills and compete at the level you desire?
You're not alone. Many pickleball players face the same challenges, feeling overwhelmed by conflicting advice and unsure of how to progress.
Our Pickleball Player 3D Success Path is designed to solve these problems and guide you toward becoming a better, more competitive player.
We understand the frustration of not seeing the results you want, which is why our program focuses on a holistic approach to skill development.
Our program addresses the root causes of your struggles, providing you with expert guidance and personalized coaching to enhance your physical shot-making skills, tactical decision-making abilities, and mental toughness.
Through structured training sessions, strategic analysis, and mental conditioning exercises, you'll gain the tools and knowledge needed to elevate your game to new heights.
By investing in our program, you'll not only overcome your current challenges but also unlock your full potential as a pickleball player.
Imagine the confidence you'll feel stepping onto the court knowing you have the skills and mindset to outplay your opponents. Picture yourself celebrating victory after victory, climbing the ranks and achieving your goals in tournaments and competitions.
Don't let frustration hold you back any longer.
Join our Pickleball Player 3D Success Path Program today and discover what's possible when you commit to mastering your game. The journey to becoming a better, more competitive pickleball player starts here.
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